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Christelle Oyiri (b. 1992) Paris-based artist, and producer/DJ (under the pseudonym CRYSTALLMESS). Combining film, music, performance, and sculpture, her radically interdisciplinary work deals with themes of alienation and alternative temporalities.

Faced with the deliberate erasure of narratives outside the dominant canon, Christelle Oyiri looks for information between the lines. Her research is focused on the tonalities, textures, and visual vernacular of the music, art, popular culture, and youth cultures within and outside the African diaspora.

Her work has been exhibited at institutions like Centre Pompidou (Paris),
Lafayette Anticipations (Paris),  Tramway (Glasgow), Auto Italia Gallery (London) , Los Angeles Nomadic Division (Los Angeles), Gladstone Gallery (NYC), Espace Arlaud (Lausanne), Ars Electronica (Austria) amongst others. 

 FILE 23764—39/23DBE

Sed Pharetra Nisl Eget Dui Cursus
CA 02027 AD

In hac habitasse platea
Duis lacinia ligula eget enim euismod placera